Two Poems

Rachael Hershon’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in failbetter, Amaryllis, and Bop Dead City, among others. A proud Massachusetts native, she currently teaches English in the greater Boston area.


Landscape, Childhood City


Stars sink behind duplexes,

snow-worn streets,

press thin light


onto pavement.

Saxonville, I must leave you,

but tomorrow they will


hang themselves

over the dam

where we stare out


past darkened water,

stacks of brick,

and count strands

of smoke, rising.




Metal Shop


Three boys at the back

of metal shop—thin

beards, thin hands


swollen with veins.

They look and smell

like the ones I used to


fall in love with—

burnt iron and Old Spice.

The instructor, a silver-haired


model of his students,

holds a torch to a sheet

of steel. They watch flame


sear metal. One half,

still glowing with heat,

falls to cement


with a fistful of sparks.

The boys say nothing—

brief light fills their eyes.




Rachael Hershon's work has appeared or is forthcoming in failbetter, Amaryllis, and Bop Dead City, among others. A proud Massachusetts native, she currently teaches English in the greater Boston area.